News From 2000

Search Engines

Occurred January 01, 2000 (Permalink)

Made it so that you can bang the Enter key in the "Phrase" field and invoke the search. (1/14/2000) Added the Free Online Dictionary of Computing to jSearch! (1/14/2000) Added the Internet Movie Database (offsite) to jSearch! (1/1/19100 <smirk>)

Biotech Project Proposal

Occurred January 14, 2000 (Permalink)

This is a web presentation of my project proposal for my Biotech class. Next semester, I will be optimizing a PCR reaction to detect polymorphisms in the Milton gene of Drosophila. Hopefully, we'll be able to find a correlation between these genes (which control the operation and construction of the fly's eye) and human chromosomes. Read more.

The History of Waffles

Occurred January 16, 2000 (Permalink)

Some rabid Slashdot (offsite) reader posted this thing in response to a poll about waffles. Very, very strange. Very nerdy, too. Disks == waffles? I guess... Read more.

Midsummer Update

Occurred July 31, 2000 (Permalink) it is, the last day of July...first batch of friends are leaving for college in 20 days. I'm not leaving until September 26th...but don't expect me to be on thibs a whole lot after that. UCSD has a notoriously slow ResNet (thank you, Napster/iMesh/scour!)

mod_ssl up to 2.6.5...OpenSSH up to 2.1.1p4...mods perl & random are gone...Poll 0.71...

A Java ntalk client is in the works and slowly getting developed on weekends. So far I can send request to the talk daemon and establish (very badly piped) communications...if the callee uses telnet. But this is a 0.0000001 quality nonrelease. Oh...wrote a simple PHP photo album for thibs.

Off to College

Occurred September 12, 2000 (Permalink)

Moo! I leave for college on Friday morning. Last bits of apache work: Zope 2.2.1, Squishdot 0.7.1, mod_ssl 2.6.6, OpenSSH 2.2.0p1.

Arrived at College

Occurred September 24, 2000 (Permalink)

I've arrived! I spent quite a bit of Welcome Week rearranging my entire schedule, alas, but now I'm virtually a sophomore! Anyway, I'm finally getting settled in, visited the beach, and am ever so slowly making new friends. I miss all the old ones! Anyway, those of you who are interested can examine my class schedule (offsite). [Note: This schedule has been updated to reflect WI02. --D]

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