News from January 2008

New Year 2008

Occurred January 01, 2008 (Permalink)

I again spent New Years in San Francisco with Maddy and Clay. The three of us crashed at Clay's sister's flat in the city; unlike last year, we didn't carry on too long, opting to go out early instead. The first place we hit was a sleepy pub on 9th street for some munchies; after that, we strode along the MUNI Metro line, planning to wander around the city to see what we'd see. We ran into Maddy's sister's boyfriend, so we headed into downtown for some more drinks. As the hour got later, we left him at the bar and took the bus towards the Mission to meet the same folks we'd hung out with last year, and actually rang in the new year with them! The men mostly fell asleep on couches in the bar, while the ladies carried on; I woke up in time to get a beer, sing, and drunk-dial my friend Liz.

The next day, the three of us went to West Portal, ate brunch at a place hilariously named the Squat and Gobble, then wandered around the area for a while. We encountered some sort of Christian Scientist(?) hospital and hotel, saw the movie Juno, then parted ways.

The next day, dad and I carted a carload of old computer equipment (big CRT tubes, the old P120, miscellaneous other crap) over to the town dump. I rounded out the vacation by going to Fisherman's Wharf with Jason and his sister for chowder and chocolate, and then to Ti Couz for crepes.

Crepes are cool.

Hike and Fog

Occurred January 16, 2008 (Permalink)

Hiked Angel's Rest in relatively sunny weather on the 13th. Power was out when I came home the night of the 15th... except at my house! Enjoyed being an island of electricity until *CLICK* out went the lights. Stayed up late to watch a dense fog roll in, and took pictures.

I just noticed your CSS selectors to highlight form fields with focus. That rocks!


Occurred January 28, 2008 (Permalink)

In the last week, I've... finished putting latches on the kitchen cabinets (only to have two of them break off because of cheap screw heads), painted test patches of red in the dining room and yellow in the kitchen, flooded the basement, tore out all basement carpeting, rearranged the movie theater, scheduled driveway repairs, and converted this website to git. Really I'm ready for this month to be over.

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