Douglass Hall Update Introduction

     This part of my website contains back-issues of my articles detailing the earthquake retrofit and remodeling of Douglass Hall, a stately (but otherwise unusable) mansion in the middle of my school's campus. If you hadn't figured out where I go to school, I go to Menlo School in Atherton, California.

     The first five issues are official updates, approved and blessed by the school's press agents. The sixth issue does not exist, because I goofed up the numbering. The issues in the seventh series (7 through 7.21) are essentially emails that I sent to friends and teachers; they have not been blessed; therefore, I claim no responsibility should the administration choose to come after me. The eight issue is the very last one that I wrote. Currently, it is not online because I lost the text to it and haven't found it yet.

Issue NumberDate released
Number 1 10/01/1997
Number 2 11/01/1997
Number 3 12/01/1997
Number 4 03/01/1998
Number 5 06/01/1997
Number 6 Never Published
Number 7 6/28/1998
Number 7.01 7/6/1998
Number 7.10 7/10/1998
Number 7.15 7/15/1998
Number 7.21 7/21/1998
Number 7.22 7/22/1998
Number 7.50 11/10/1998
Number 7.53 10/01/1998
Number 7.57 11/10/1998
Number 8 6/28/1998