As I'm trying to get this junk out to as many people as possible (no Memos during the summer), I'm flooding everybody I know with one of these. Sorry if you don't like mass mails or if you don't have any clue as to who I am. This message is going out to every and any email address I've even so much as seen in the last 3 years...which is a LOT.
This update on construction progress is unofficial because it hasn't gone through the usual bureaucratic channels, although I've tried to keep it as accurate as possible. These reports are a compilation of various reports I've heard around school. Does it seem like I don't have enough to do this summer? No, I don't, so don't give me any more papers/projects/tests!
Construction Dates
(might change but probably won't):
Construction Details
Actually, this is a general construction update as things are going on all
around Menlo. So, we'll go building by building:
Menlo Hall -- All the stuff in the Faculty Lounge was moved to the second floor hallway and a bunch of wooden platforms have been erected on the walls. Downstairs, College Counseling has moved back into room 110 and out of 106 & 107. They're also installing some ductwork or something in the ceilings. Yes, the building is made of concrete. Faculty mailboxes went into Ms. Connell's office, although I don't know if this change is temporary. Ms. Nicholls moves into the Aquarium. No comment on the JCL Store, and I don't know what happens to the offices that move to The Hall.
Patterson Hall -- In an attempt to save the greenery around the Memorial Platform, B&G is moving some of the bushes and trees to the bark area around the Student Center. More on the Platform later. Mr. Jones is moving back into his room.
Science Building: Nothing, although Wendy Dominick is moving into Room 9 (Mr. Jones' office this year).
Music Building: Nothing.
Art Building: Mr. Perez gets a small studio carved out of Ms. Mauser-Bain's building. Ms. Mauser-Bain gets a small part of Curtis Hall.
Editor's Note: Mr. Perez got a part of Curtis Hall.
Curtis Hall -- The scribbles in Mr. Hornbein's room have been erased and the hallway walls have been removed from his and Ms. Carlsson's room. Vicky moved but I don't know where she went. Looks like Hornbein'll have to redecorate!
Flo Mo -- The College is carving up rm 310, Mr. Gill's old room to make offices; Mr. Gill goes in Perkins' old room.
Middle School -- The portables for the Middle School will move around campus in late June-early July. One portable goes on the grassy area around the science building and another goes next to the dance studio in Patterson 225. The rest go behind Curtis near Albert's office. The permanent building stays and the 5xx rooms stay.
Memorial Platform -- Shrubbery removed / relocated. When all these construction projects are complete, there will be a big loop around the platform. The loop goes through the edge of the parking lot, loops up to The Hall and follows the concrete road that once ran to the overhang on Douglass.
The Hall -- I've finally been INSIDE the new part of the building! It is biiiiiiiig! According to the Headmaster, the "smaller" rooms are a roomy (bad pun, I know...) 810 sq. ft. Mr. Gill will get the room over the library circle thing--Mr. Gill saw it and was really impressed. He also gets a balcony outside his room. You will be able to walk between the old and new sections in the demolished area of the Hall. The part of the building with the vines will be exposed to the large hallway/gallery inside. The Gallery is quite impressive. There are windows on the roof and a balcony on the second floor so that you can see all the way into the basement level. (Level 1A/B). An elevator serves the first two (the first three?) levels of the Hall. The concrete roof was replaced with a nice lightweight steel roof--the steel snaking through the attic (4th) level actually help hold the building up; steel from the new section runs through teh walls of the 4th floor and bolt to steel that holds up the rest of the building. The 4th floor will be closed off and used for storage(?). There *is* a third level to the new section of the building--a concrete balcony/ courtyard thing on the very top of the building that will (presumably) be used for faculty luncheons; inside are offices and a faculty lounge.
Now, on to the Middle School! I have seen the proposed plans. The portables go away and are replaced by larger buildings in roughly the same places as the current portables. There will be many classrooms and a large meeting-hall type building and a locker room will go somewhere in there as well. The current loop will be replaced with a new one as outlined above. The Middle School is expected to be finished in about a year.