Is it really the 15th of July already?
General Notes:
Menlo Hall: Old faculty lounge has new blue tables and was repainted. The copier in that room is going into The Hall...if it fits the copier room. Room Number and Teacher Name plates on the walls have been removed and plastered over; The Hall steals all of these room numbers. If I ever figure out the room numbering, I'll report it.
Patterson Hall: The hot water heater room is becoming an office. The hot water heater room is at the vertex of the V, on the side of Patterson with the higher room numbers (272, 284, etc)
Locker locks were covered w/ tape; repainting to follow shortly.
Big water-pipe trench cutting through campus (around Mr. T's room) was filled back up.
Library is closed indefinitely. They won't say why, although I'd venture a guess that they're getting ready to move a lot of books...
The regular entrance is passable...but not much better than the entrance at the other end of the lot.
Middle School to be fenced off shortly...portables still haven't moved. The whole area around the middle school has been torn up, the wooden ramps demolished and nearly all the vegetation has been pulled out (except the oaks).
The Hall:
Oops! August 1st is a Saturday! Building opens August 3rd...
Window glass is almost complete in the new building. Doors to go in within a few days.
Library to be carpeted tomorrow, July 16th.
Most classrooms have already been painted. The building has a weird tannish stucco exterior, white paint on the inside walls and creme-green trim (like Patterson) This campus looks funny! Patterson and Douglass are green trim on white and the rest are brown trim on yellowish paint, and Menlo is brown with those white rocks. Well, Harker looks the same way, so...
Fountain in front of the porch cochere nearly destroyed (the basin is gone but the pedestal thing in the middle is not. The fountain basin literally sat on the dirt underneath it. No dog bones found IN the basin; however the area hasn't been excavated yet. Yet.
Exterior stairs are not installed yet.
All steel inside the new building will be painted the same creme green. If it's red colored, it'll be green later.
South and West sides of the Hall are being cleaned. BIG improvement in color; dirty black to a funny tannish that nearly matches the new building...
Some skylights are already uncovered; in the afternoon the light filters all the way down to the basement level! Incredible!
One interesting thing: Level 2 (1st floor in the old part; 2nd floor in the new part) has higher ceilings than Level 1. L1 has ceilings about 10' (?) high; L2 has ceilings about 12' (?) high.
Monday: A guy stole a car in Redwood City around noontime, then drove straight to the Atherton Jack-In-The-Box where a bunch of cops were eating lunch. The perpetrator was arrested. Dumb...
Notice: Caltrain has pulled all the ticket vending machines at all stations.
Discovery Update:
The films are of Menlo summer camps a looong time ago. Does anybody have a movie projector that can show the films? The film is bigger than 8mm. Dr. B: A copy of The Spirit of Menlo is on your desk...unless Hornbein put it someplace else. Mrs. J: You were pulling out of the Menlo parking lot as I emerged from Douglass today. Oh, well. I'll get a copy to you the next time I'm around (i.e. next Tuesdays)
Anybody want a old heavy cast-iron mimeograph? Or have any suggestions as to where to put it?
The Vault is nice and cold...unlike outside. 'twas 96ºF at my house. The weather report said it would be 73ºF today. Ha ha ha.